Happy 2015 and bring it on

December 18, 2014
João Ferreira
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In 2014 Venture Catalysts continued focusing efforts in what we believe we can contribute more: creating and developing companies that are based on technological and scientific projects and have a major potential to impact people lives and industries.

Throughout the year we were fortune to meet and talk with a huge number of scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs. We met with Accelerators, Incubators, Technology Transfer Offices, Companies and many Scientific Institutes. We were able to gather important learnings and lessons and we are confident that the experience will translate into successful ventures and ultimately a significant contribute in people’s lives.

Above all, we were very fortune to have met a considerable number of people that, like us, believe that can change the world. We would like to thank them for their impact in our continuous passion for solving problems and for not giving up on great ideas.

We will face 2015 with a reinforced desire to change the world, better prepared to take the risk that comes with that and totally committed to be side by side with those that share the same desire

Happy 2015 and bring it on!